Venture Compassionate Ministries
Loving our Neighbors.
Our Mission
Venture Compassionate Ministries is a Christ-centered organization that engages families in our community together through hope, opportunities, and partnerships. Together we equip people at their point of need and inspire them to be of service to others.

Venture's Story
Calvary Community Church of the Nazarene has always been committed to helping families in our community. Beginning 2013, we began to respond in new ways to our yearning to do more to reach our neighbors. Several new compassionate ministry programs began to develop and new partnerships were formed with other community-based organizations with the common goal of aiding the refugee and homeless communities of the Greater Rochester Area.
In 2016, Calvary’s Board and ministry leaders began discerning and discussing a new compassionate ministry program where all of its compassion programs would fall under one umbrella, serving the needs of our communities. Calvary spent a year in prayer and planning a compassionate ministry program to help meet those needs. The motto “Loving our Neighbors” was adopted this year.
In June 2017, a part-time Director of Compassionate Ministries was hired to help implement and develop the Venture Compassionate Ministries program.
What are we doing?
The food pantry operates on an as-needed basis for individuals and families in our community. There are no eligibility requirements for an individual or family unlike other food programs in the area. Often this is a last resort and families have exhausted all other resources.
The quilting ministry has been active in providing hats, dresses, and blankets to local and international organizations.
Venture Kids is a once a month children’s program that we offer at Stonewood Village. It occurs on the first Wednesday of every month and includes stories, games, crafts, and activities.
The purpose of Lydia’s Closet has been to provide a free mobile children’s clothing boutique that goes to a site and provides clean, new and gently used clothing from newborn to age 15.
PiYo Live is for women and girls of all fitness levels to come together on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 pm. PiYo LIVE is a music-driven athletic workout that incorporates flexibility, strength training, conditioning, and dynamic movement. Class closes with a devotional and prayer each week.
Embrace Grace is a ministry to courageous single, expecting mothers. It offers group support and supplies mothers with physical, spiritual, and emotional resources.
This ministry supports the Woodcrest Senior Living Center through fellowship, picnics, and other activities throughout the year.
The Meals ministry is made up of people who are willing to cook, order take-out, or provide a meal card to those that need them. Recipients may receive these meals over the course of a few weeks, depending upon the need.
This support group meets on Sunday mornings at Calvary. The group is a support for individuals going through a divorce and is an opportunity to meet with others who understand and receive the support needed to heal from the pain of divorce.
Mercy Ministry collects clothing, Bibles, food and more, as well as provides for transitional living needs for the homeless, disadvantaged, refugees, single parents families, mothers with unplanned pregnancies, the elderly, and those who struggle to meet daily needs.

Venture Testimonials
One evening last spring a gentleman at the Open Door Mission addressed the volunteers of our church who were serving that evening via activities and a warm dinner. He said, “Thank you for treating us like people.” I still feel the emotion I felt at that moment for it confirmed God’s calling to his people to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with him. Those words were an affirmation that what we do for others is not about us but about loving others into God’s kingdom. We blessed the attendees that night and we were also blessed by the affirmation of our work for the least.
– Miriam J., Mercy Ministry
“Thank you for the beautiful blanket! I got it during my stay at the Special Care Nursery at Highland Hospital. Now that I’m home I use it to cuddle up and read with Mommy. That was a lot of hard work to go into that special blanket!”
– Brooklyn S. & Family, Quilting Ministry
Having meals prepared for us relieved the stress of cooking dinner while we were adjusting to life with a new baby. We were grateful that while we were new to the church so many people were willing to bless us with a meal. Through this ministry, we were able to meet several church members which made us feel more connected to Calvary.
– Crystal D., Meals Ministry
I have had 4 surgeries; my husband is not one for cooking. When we were offered to have meals brought to us we were very grateful. If my husband has to go out and get meals it would have really shortened our income. We met a lot of wonderful people and had great meals. I thank God how many people offered to bring us a meal. Now I get a chance to pay it forward and help others in need. Thank you very much for the meals ministry! God bless all who help with meals and go out of their way to be there for someone in need.
– Irene C., Meals Ministry